Commodore 16 Mastertronic Checklist

Mastertronic supported all four of Commodore’s 8-bit systems and unlike the Vic 20, most of their ranges had something for the Commodore 16 and Plus4. Thanks to the likes of Shaun Southern and Tony Kelly, the system was provided with a healthy range of games long after many others were abandoned.

As with all of our other lists, this checklist also includes all of the releases from Melbourne House which was acquired by Mastertronic.

Updated: 16th January 2025


Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
2C0002 Vegas Jackpot Shaun Southern,
Mark J Brady (cover)
100,651 C16 - Vegas Jackpot
2C0003 Squirm Tony Kelly,
John Smyth (cover)
82,108 C16 - Squirm
2C0007 BMX Racers Tony Kelly,
Mark J Brady (cover)
2C0021 Spectipede Tony Kelly,
Mark J Brady (cover)
2C0023 Hektik Martin Ellis,
John Smyth (cover)
49,488 C16 - Hektik
2C0056 Kikstart Shaun Southern,
Mark J Brady (cover)
92,912 C16 - Kikstart
2C0057 More Adventures of Big Mac: The Mad Maintenance Man Tony Kelly,
John Smyth (cover)
84,762 C16 - Big Mac
2C0058 Formula 1 Simulator Shaun Southern 173,498 C16 - Formula 1 Simulator
2C0059 Finders Keepers Adrian Sheppard,
John Smyth (cover)
46,300 C16 - Finders Keepers
2C0068 Rockman Mark Srebalius,
John Smyth (cover)
84,182 C16 - Rockman
2C0089 One Man And His Droid Martin Sexton,
John Smyth (cover)
39,300 C16 - One Man and His Droid
2C0092 Tutti Frutti Shaun Southern,
John Smyth (cover)
91,656 C16 - Tutti Frutti
2C0096 Kane John Smyth (cover) 47,420
2C0103 Mr Puniverse Tony Kelly,
John Smyth (cover)
75,522 C16 - Mr Puniverse
2C0111 The Return Of Rockman David Kivlin 51,040 C16 - The Return Of Rockman
USAC0113 Las Vegas Video Poker Robert Henderson 33,950
2C0114 Speed King Shaun Southern 88,821
2C0115 The Exploits Of Fingers Malone Doug Turner,
John Smyth (cover)
2C0117 Street Olympics Patrick Strassen,
John Smyth (cover)
73,978 C16 - Street Olympics
2C0119 Molecule Man Icon Design 26,716
2C0120 Oblido Probe Software,
John Smyth (cover)
2C0123 Storm Jim Bagley 35,758 C16 - Storm
2C0131 Video Meanies Tony Kelly,
John Smyth (cover)
52,842 C16 - Video Meanies
2C0133 P.O.D. (Proof Of Destruction) Shaun Southern,
John Smyth (cover)
44,858 C16 - POD
2C0142 Powerball Patrick Strassen,
John Smyth (cover)
50,254 C16 - Powerball
2C0146 Gun Law Richard Clark 50,434
2C0147 Master Chess Phase Two 35,392 C16 - Master Chess
2C0148 Prospector Pete Doug Turner,
John Smyth (cover)
2C0158 Megabolts Stuart Cross 35,734
2C0173 Battle Ken Smith 38,001 C16 - Battle
2C0175 Frenesis Tony Takoushi 19,981
2C0184 GWNN Patrick Strassen 25,423 C16 - GWNN
2C0192 Xadium Michaelangelo Pignani 31,681
2C0194 Starforce Nova Ray Tredoux and Chris Harvey 22,389
2C0197 On Cue Sean du Bray 17,907 C16 - On Cue
BC2214 * Spore Jim Bagley 15,275 C16 - On Cue
IC2250 * Dingbat Shaun Southern 18,433 C16 - Dingbat
2C0255 C16 Compilation Shaun Southern 19,337
2C0309 Fighting Warrior Beam Software
(first published by Melbourne House)
1,850 C16 - Fighting Warrior
N/A Cave Fighter Richard Clark N/A

Mastertronic’s Added Dimension (MAD)

Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
MAD12 Bandits At Zero Shaun Southern 47,935 C16 - Bandits At Zero


Number Title Author Original Publisher Sales Cover Art
RC2018 The Way Of The Exploding Fist Beam Software Melbourne House 33,301


Title Author Original Publisher Sales Cover Art
Beach Head US Gold 5,951 Americana - Beach Head - Commodore 16
Dizasterblaster Shaun Southern
Questprobe: Spider-Man Scott Adams Adventure International Americana - Questprobe Spider-Man - Commodore 16
Questprobe featuring The Hulk Scott Adams Adventure International Americana - Questprobe ft The Hulk - Commodore 16
Robo Knight Peter J Bartlett N/A

Melbourne House Books

Title Author Cover Art
C16 Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner
Commodore 16 Exposed Cameron Duffy, Richard Woolcock
Commodore 16 Games Book Cameron Duffy, Richard Woolcock


The Entertainment USA branding changed the prefix from 2C to USAC but the numbering system remained intact. The same applied to Bulldog where the prefix changed to BC.

Dingbat was misnumbered on the spine as IC2250 instead of the correct number which should have read 2C0250. A similar problem occured with Spore which was incorrectly numbered BC2214 when it should have been BC0214. However, in this instance we believe that the Commodore 16 prefix for the Bulldog range may have been BC2 leading to some confusion. So instead of the game being numbered BC20214 (retaining the same numbering as the other formats), the 0 was omitted leaving confusion.

Cave Fighter in the original Mastertronic range was only released in Italy and while it has the original grid style packaging, there is no spine number or reference to it. It was originally released by Bubble Bus, but for this version new cover art was used and has been taken from one of Mastertronic’s other releases, Se-Kaa Of Assiah.

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1 Comment

  1. I loved my C16! I think i’ve played most of these games on it, and now i have an emulator, and i think i’ve got a lot of these wonderful games on there too!

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  1. Commodore 16 Checklist Cover Scans Issue - Mastertronic Collectors Archive
  2. Mastertronic Collectors Archive Weekly Digest - 8th September 2024 - Mastertronic Collectors Archive
  3. Mastertronic Collectors Archive Weekly Digest - 15th September 2024 - Mastertronic Collectors Archive
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