Another week has passed here at the Mastertronic Collectors Archive. We’ve been busy working behind the scenes as well as creating plenty o new content, so without wasting any more time, here’s the latest weekly digest with all the new updates to the site…
Anthony Guter’s Website Progress
We’ve been busy as always moving more images and content over from Anthony Guter’s superb Mastertronic reference site. We’ve found a few broken images on the original site, and as such we’re sourcing fresh scans so we can restore these pages as soon as possible. So right now we’re down to the final 65 pages to move!
We’re continuing with our Vic 20 coverage with more new reviews for the system:
Some more articles added to the site, including another fascinating behind-the-scenes look at Mastertronic from Anthony Guter…
Merchandise – Virgin Mastertronic Christmas 1989 Wine Bottle
No new checklists added to the site this week, but we have been updating some of our existing ones. We’ve been doing a lot of work specifically on the Vic 20 checklist adding the remainder of the cover art and additional game credits to all of them. We’ve also updated the Mastervision list with additional cover art and enhanced it so all the thumbnails can now be clicked so you can view the full cover artwork.
Press Coverage
7 more pages of press coverage have been transfered over from Anthony Guter’s website looking back at the history of Mastertronic in the media. For a full list of what’s already here, check out the press articles index.
Bug Fixes
No major bugs this week, just a few minor tweaks to some of the written content fixing spelling errors. The only major issue was with the Vic 20 review of King Tut that we posted earlier this week which incorrectly credited the programmer as being Jim Ferrari when it should have been John Ferrari.
General Updates
The main thing you’ll notice this time is that we’ve added a new section to the front of the site for Merchandise. Here we’ll be taking a look at various pieces of merchandise and Mastertronic memorabilia throughout the years from our own personal collections. We’ve also added a new page highlighting all the upcoming content we have planned for the site and where you can put in your suggestions to us:
Mastertronic Collectors Archive Wishlist
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