Mastertronic Collectors Archive – Year Two!

We’re only a couple of days into our second year for the Mastertronic Collectors Archive website but we’re already moving ahead at an incredible pace with work here on the site. As we said in our First Birthday post, we had a fantastic first year for the website but we want the next 12 months to be even bigger and better.

With that being said, what exactly do we want to achieve during the next year for our site?

Game Reviews

As our team grows and are more comfortable with the review template we have in place we want to get more reviews written. We have a number of specific goals in mind here which will make a huge impact on the site:

  1. In terms of quanitity, our target is to publish at least 100 new reviews, ideally at a rate of two per week so there will always be new content online.
  2. Right now we have published reviews spanning 8 different platforms, but there are still a number of systems we haven’t covered. So we want to address this and start to cover more systems including the Amstrad, 8-bit Atari, and more console formats as well as increasing reviews for platforms currently under-represented such as the Amiga and ZX Spectrum.
  3. While we won’t be able to do it with other systems, we intend to complete reviews for all the remaining Vic 20 titles we haven’t covered so this section of the site will be 100% complete.


We haven’t featured any interviews on the site yet, although we have approached a few people who have expressed interest in talking to us. This is important to us and we want to start putting together a “wishlist” of who we want to interview and start reaching out to as many as we can.


We’ll continue to expand our existing platform lists, add more systems to these which we will continue to develop including the Amstrad, MSX, Amiga and 8-Bit Atari, as well as starting checklists for the other Mastertronic ranges as well as adding more cover art to the lists we already have online.


We only have a few videos live attached to our shared YouTube channel, but again we want to add more here. Most of these will focus on game reviews but if you have any ideas for other video content you’d like to see, please contact us and let us know.

Articles / Blogs

Finally, we’ve only posted a handful of general articles and blog posts during our first year but we are going to give our team more creative freedom to write more Mastertronic related content that doesn’t fit into our core categories (reviews, checklists, guides, news etc) to bring you even more variety in the content we publish!

* * *

This is all just the tip of the iceberg for what we want to do here with the website. One of our main priorities is to continually add new content or update existing posts and guides regularly so there will always be something new for you to see on the site if you are a regular visitor whether you come back every day or once a week.

Anyway, we want to thank you all for being with us on this journey exploring the wonders of Mastertronic, and we hope you’ll be with us for the next 12 months and beyond!

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