1. At that time Mastertronic had a licencing agreement with Hasbro to make Computer games based on their toy properties hence the Action Force game having also done games based on Transformers

  2. Not exactly true… The Transformers game was a re-release licensed from Activision (and this was originally meant to be part of the Ricochet range) and the Action Force game again was a re-release of a Virgin Games release. The only direct license deals that Mastertronic had were with Namco for the arcade conversions of Gaplus and Bosconian 87 and their Star Wars Droids game. Any other licensed titles were by way of other publishers.

    There is some confusion with the main Mastertronic range as it does contain a number of re-releases even though Mastertronic had several dedicated labels set up specifically for that purposes. As with a lot of their labels, where games ended up seldom seemed to make sense!

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