Atari (8-Bit) Mastertronic Checklist

While Atari’s range of 8-bit computers was almost as popular as the Commodore 64 in America, in the UK it took a backseat to the C64, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad. Despite having impressive hardware specifications, its limited sucess was no doubt down to the notoriously slow loading from cassette that plagued the system. Most users opted to use disk drives and in the UK this pushed the cost of the machine out of the reach of most looking for a viable platform.

This didn’t stop Mastertronic from supporting the system though with a healthy offering of games across most of their ranges for the lifetime of the company.

Updated: 28th January 2025


Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
IA0002 Vegas Jackpot Hal Rushton
Mark J Brady (cover)
IA0056 Kikstart: Off-Road Simulator Peter Adams
Mark J Brady (cover)
ICD0056 Kikstart: Off-Road Simulator (C64/Atari disk) Peter Adams
Mark J Brady (cover)
IC0087 Action Biker John Smyth (cover) 59,670
ICD0087 Action Biker (C64/Atari disk)
IT0089 One Man And His Droid Adrian Sheppard
John Smyth (cover)
ICD0114 Speed King (C64/Atari disk) Sculptured Software
USAT0116 Ninja Sculptured Software 52,487
ICD0116 Ninja (C64/Atari disk) Sculptured Software
CSTPC0116 Ninja (C64/Atari/PC disk) Sculptured Software
ICD0118 Elektra Glide (C64/Atari disk)
IT0119 Molecule Man Steven Riding
John Smyth (cover)
IT0123 S.T.O.R.M Jim Bagley 13,639
IT0125 Universal Hero Steven Riding 18,053
IT0134 Panther Chuck Peavey 20,906
IT0136 Los Angeles SWAT Randy Platt 46,863
IT0139 Crystal Raider Matthew Trimby 35,163
IT0146 Gun Law 34,791
IT0147 Master Chess 21,201
IT0153 Despatch Rider Tim Huntington 30,512
BT0157 Feud 22,760
BT0166 Colony 19,154
BT0168 Invasion Paul Marshall 12,871
IT0169 Amaurote 7,333
IT0172 Hover Bovver Aaron Liddiment 18,795
IT0175 Frenesis Tony Takoushi 17,556
IT0176 Attack Of The Mutant Camels Jeff Minter 18,551
IT0179 Milk Race Paul Marshall 29,893
IT0180 Gridrunner Jeff Minter 14,303
IT0187 Power Down Graham Askew 16,430
IT0197 On Cue Sean Du Bray 13,824
IT0203 180 David Forward 17,987
IT0220 Henry’s House Chris Murray 25,990
IT0224 Rogue Paul Marshall 14,026
IT0237 Revenge II Steven Riding 4,874
IT0239 Rockford: The Arcade Game
(with Crystal Raider bonus game free)
Icon Design 9,755


As well as the main range, a number of games were released as disk-only titles for the American market…

Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
ENT004 Crystal Raider (disk) Matthew Trimby


This was Mastertronic’s first spin-off label. The range, priced at £2.99, was intended to promote games of a higher quality than the regular £1.99 Mastertronic range. New styling was introduced with pop art style covers, with a new numbering system providing each game with its own unique number, even for different formats.

Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
MAD 1 The Last V8 (C64/Atari disk) David Darling
MAD 11 The Last V8 David Darling 33,350
MAD 18 Spellbound Adrian Sheppard 24,698


Ricochet was Mastertronic’s first label dedicated to re-releases and covered games primarily from Martech, Ultimate, Virgin, Melbourne House and Activision. Four titles are currently missing and unknown from the range. However, we have been able to identify three of these for the Commodore 64 as they were moved to the main Mastertronic range, but don’t have what the planned numbers were for them.

Number Title Original Publisher Sales Cover Art
RT021 Ghostbusters Activision 36,913


  • The cassette version of Action Biker uses the incorrect prefix of IC instead of IT, presumably because the dual format disk version uses ICD (which was reserved for Commodore 64 disk releases) and rather than assigning a separate number, the “D” was just removed.
  • The Atari version of 180 appears in the regular Mastertronic range, but uses MAD branding. The other versions appear in the short-lived MADC range.

We will be expanding these lists over time with links to reviews, more entries and additional details.

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