Commodore 64 Mastertronic Checklist

The Commodore 64 was the single biggest format covered by Mastertronic with games released on cassette and disk both in Europe and through their American subsidiary Mastertronic Inc. With titles being released from the company’s launch in April 1984, right through to the merger with Virgin and across all the different labels, there were only two of their labels that didn’t cover the C64 and these were based on re-releases.

As with our ZX Spectrum list, because of the sheer number of games released, we will be splitting this over a large number of pages and it will be split into labels as well. It will take time to complete this so please bear with us so we’ll be adding titles to this over time…

Updated: 13th February 2025


Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
1C0001 Duck Shoot Shaun Southern,
Mark J Brady (cover)
1C0002 Vegas Jackpot Shaun Southern,
Mark J Brady (cover)
1C0003 Squirm Tony Kelly 40,898
2C004 The Election Game R A Blunt and E F Prescott 22,483
1C0006 Space Walk (Version 1) (Version 2) Richard and David Darling,
Mark J Brady (cover)
1C0007 BMX Racers (Version 1) (Version 2) Richard and David Darling,
Mark J Brady (cover)
1C0010 Jungle Story 29,221
IC0014 Orbitron 35,665
1C0016 Bionic Granny 29,255
IC0021 Spectipede Tony Kelly
Mark J Brady (cover)
1C0022 Munch Mania Martin Ellis 48,287
1C0023 Hektik Martin Ellis 47,622
1C0026 Sub Hunt Mark J Brady (cover) 44,031
ICD0035 Candidate (disk)
IC0036 Chiller Richard and David Darling 121,874
IC0039 Pigs In Space Richard and David Darling 10,337
IC0040 City Fighter 43,029
IC0040 Mind Control Richard and David Darling 34,415
IC0041 Dark Star Richard and David Darling
Mark J Brady (cover)
ICD0041 Dark Star (disk) Richard and David Darling
Mark J Brady (cover)
IC0042 Magic Carpet Richard and David Darling 40,332
IC0044 Challenger 38,492
IC0046 Starace Peter Milligan 32,480
IC0054 The Quest For The Holy Grail 34,998
IC0056 Kikstart: Off-Road Simulator Shaun Southern,
Mark J Brady (cover)
IC0057 More Adventures Of Big Mac: The Mad Maintenance Man Tony Kelly,
John Smyth (cover)
IC0058 Formula 1 Simulator Shaun Southern
Mark J Brady (cover)
IC0059 Finders Keepers David Jones
John Smyth (cover)
IC0060 1985: The Day After Severn Software
Mark J Brady (cover)
IMC0061 Make Music With Mistertronic John Smyth (cover) 8,527
IED0062 Quick Thinking (disk) Mirrorsoft
IC0066 Skyjet Kevin T Green 48,843
IC0069 Spooks Nigel P Johnstone
John Smyth (cover)
IC0074 The Captive Nigel P Johnstone 37,892
IC0077 Action Biker John Smyth (cover) 96,153
IC0077 Action Biker (C64/Spectrum sample copy) John Smyth (cover) N/A
IC0078 Nonterraqueous Kevin T Green,
Mark J Brady (cover)
IC0079 BMX Trials 67,050
ICD0082 Give My Regards To Broad Street (disk)
IC0083 Hunter Patrol Steve Lee 57,346
IC0086 Excaliba John Smyth (cover) 47,968
ICD0087 Action Biker (C64/Atari disk)
ICD0088 Ant Attack (disk) David Rowe (cover)
IC0089 One Man And His Droid John Smyth (cover) 42,796
IC0091 Space Hunter Kevin T Green,
Mark J Brady (cover)
IC0093 The Human Race John D Ferrari,
John Smyth (cover)
ICD0094 Gates Of Dawn (disk)
IC0095 Zzzz Clive Wilson and Les Hogarth,
John Smyth (cover)
IC0096 Kane John Darnell,
John Smyth (cover)
ICD0098 Five-A-Side Soccer (disk) Ken Grant
ICD0099 The Slugger (disk)
IC0102 Phantoms Of The Asteroid Martin Ellis,
John Smyth (cover)
IC0104 Kentilla 36,857
IC0108 Wing Commander 59,891
USA0110 Bump Set Spike! Sculptured Software (Ken Grant) 56,797
USA0113 Las Vegas Video Poker Sculptured Software 41,785
IC0114 Speed King 100,151
USAC0116 Ninja Sculptured Software 58,348
ICD0116 Ninja (C64/Atari disk) Sculptured Software
CSTPC0116 Ninja (C64/Atari/PC disk) Sculptured Software
ICD0118 Elektra Glide (C64/Atari disk)
IC0119 Molecule Man John Smyth (cover) 33,166
IC0123 S.T.O.R.M 32,735
ICD0125 Pro Golf (disk)
IC0127 Hollywood Or Bust John D Ferrari,
John Smyth (cover)
ICD0129 Captain Zapp (disk) Kevin T Green
ICD0129 James Clavell’s Shogun (disk)
ICD0131 Bounder (disk)
IC0131 Video Meanies Tony Kelly 21,693
IC0132 Pipeline 2 38,915
IC0133 P.O.D – Proof Of Destruction Shaun Southern,
John Smyth (cover)
IC0134 Panther 49,477
IC0135 Street Surfer 52,078
IC0136 Los Angeles SWAT 59,396
IC0137 Back To Reality 25,814
IC0138 Zub Phillip Alsopp 19,180
IC0141 Flash Gordon 56,709
IC0147 Master Chess 49,482
IC0151 Con-Quest 14,285
IC0155 Hyperbowl 32,884
IC0156 Sport Of Kings 23,223
BC0157 Feud John P Flynn 39,356
IC0159 Kobayashi Naru Clive Wilson and Les Hogarth 24,702
IC0160 S.O.S. Geoff Foley 22,838
IC0162 The Curse Of Sherwood 33,740
IC0163 Lazerwheel 17,818
BC0166 Colony 14,372
IC0167 Rasterscan 15,435
BC0168 Invasion Icon Design 18,951
IC0169 Amaurote 13,272
IC0170 Strike! 17,392
IC0171 Voidrunner Jeff Minter 14,035
IC0175 Frenesis Tony Takoushi 11,754

This list will be expanded shortly…


Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
ICD 1281 The Last V8 David Darling
ICD 1282 Kikstart Shaun Southern,
Mark J Brady (cover)

Both of the Commodore 128 enhanced releases are disk only.


Ricochet was Mastertronic’s first label dedicated to re-releases and covered games primarily from Martech, Ultimate, Virgin, Melbourne House and Activision. Four titles are currently missing and unknown from the range. However, we have been able to identify three of these for the Commodore 64 as they were moved to the main Mastertronic range, but don’t have what the planned numbers were for them.

Title Original Publisher Sales Cover Art
RC001 Geoff Capes Strongman Martech 9,510
RC003 Crazy Comets Martech 7,501
RC004 Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge Martech 11,106
RC005 Eddie Kidd’s Jump Challenge Martech 15,712
RC006 Outlaws Ultimate 12,108
RC007 Dragonskulle Ultimate 11,277
RC008 Blackwyche Ultimate 11,609
RC015 Knuckle Busters Melbourne House 15,390
RC016 Judge Dredd Melbourne House 11,002
RC017 Bazooka Bill 13,304
RC018 Way Of The Exploding Fist Melbourne House 44,870
RC019 Skate Rock Simulator 17,181
RC020 The Eidolon Activision 7,628
RC021 Ghostbusters Activision 147,108
RC022 Trailblazer Gremlin Graphics 10,143
RC023 Ballblazer Activision 10,130
RC025 Starquake Bubble Bus 8,236
R026 5th Quadrant Bubble Bus 6,529
RC027 Aliens Electric Dreams 31,734
RC028 Dan Dare: Pilot Of The Future Virgin Games 29,094
RC030 Impossible Mission US Gold 18,036
RC031 Little Computer People Activision 15,832
RC033 Hacker Activision 9,151
RC034 FA Cup Football Virgin Games 35,419
RC035 Tau Ceti CRL 24,059
RC036 The Growing Pains Of Adrian Mole Virgin Games 6,979
RC037 Jet Set Willy: The Final Frontier Software Projects 14,194
RC038 Rock ‘n’ Bolt Activision 10,047
RC039 Knightmare Activision 34,357
RC040 X-15 Alpha Mission 11,255
RC042 Erebus 7,783
RC043 How To Be A Complete Bastard Virgin Games 3,749
RC044 Rebel Activision 6,394
RC045 Dan Dare II: Mekon’s Revenge Virgin Games 13,192
RC047 Toy Bizarre Activision 7,063


This was Mastertronic’s first spin-off label. The range, priced at £2.99, was intended to promote games of a higher quality than the regular £1.99 Mastertronic range. New styling was introduced with pop art style covers, with a new numbering system providing each game with its own unique number, even for different formats.

It only lasted for a short while, before being revised briefly as the “MADC” range for a secondary run of titles. Additional games were later released bearing the MAD branding (and also MAD X) but the final two uses of the name were incorporated into the main Mastertronic line. The name would later resurface when the company was relaunched by the Mastertronic Group.

Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
MAD 1 The Last V8 David Darling 60,536
MAD 1 The Last V8 (C64/Atari Disk) David Darling 359
MAD 3 Hero Of The Golden Talisman Shaun Southern 39,354
MAD 3 Hero Of The Golden Talisman (Disk) Shaun Southern 366
MAD 5 Master Of Magic Richard Darling 34,123
MAD 5 Master Of Magic (Disk) Richard Darling,
John Smyth (cover)
MAD 9 Spellbound David Jones,
Richard Darling
MAD 9 Five-A-Side Soccer Ken Grant 14,792

As with most Mastertronic ranges, there are numbers where no games are known or are allocated to other formats so these are not included here.


This was the second Mastertronic Added Dimension range and only ran for 8 releases before the label was absorbed into the main range. We believe that it was originally set up to re-release games from publisher Creative Sparks (hence the C in the prefix), but this changed after the first few releases.

Number Title Author Sales Cover Art
MADC 1 Countdown To Meltdown 28,135
MADC 3 Ice Palace 22,016
MADC 4 Hole In One 47,623
MADC 7 180 Andrew Routledge 59,051


Mastertronic released a small number of utilities although these were standalone titles and were separate to all of the other labels. All of these were re-releases from other publishers.

Author Sales Cover Art
Games Creator Richard and David Darling
Ski Writer


  • There are a few gaps in every range where no games seem to be on record. This seems to be a common issue and we assume that this is where games were planned for release but were cancelled.
  • Other gaps in the numbering are those that are used by games released on other platforms.
  • There are also instances where there are multiple games released with the same number, or games were incorrectly numbered by Mastertronic’s design company Words And Pictures. This has resulted in additional gaps in the numbering that can be explained by games simply being “shifted” out of place.
  • Sales figures for disk releases are for UK and Europe only and do not include sales for the rest of the world, where most copies would have been sold.

We will be expanding these lists continually over time with more games added to each, additional ranges, more details, cover art and links to reviews.

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  1. There is an unofficial German Translation of Duck Shoot done by myself on the Facebook C64.COM account I called it “Ente Jagt”(Duck Hunt), but this is the only place it’s on, I’d did it with a hex editor when I was waiting for my dinner to cook, I tried to translate Spellbound, but due to file data compression that didn’t work, duck shoot was the first Mastertronic I brought in the 80s

    • Did you use something like Action Replay to dive into the code and then saved out the snapshot of the file? I remembered doing something similar years ago with a friend playing around with Ghosts n Goblins swapping the sprites out with Thing On A Spring!

      Think my first Mastertronic game was Vegas Jackpot on the Vic 20. First on the C64 was Finders Keepers which I got the same day I got the machine itself.

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