It’s been another busy week here at the Mastertronic Collectors Archive website with plenty of new content and updates so without wasting any more time, here’s what we’ve been up to in a nutshell…
Anthony Guter’s Website
Of the remaining pages we need to move across from Anthony’s website we’re currently focusing on the larger 8-part feature first. Although the larger article has more pages that need to have the links updated to the new locations here on our site, the other needs more work on the layout so we’ve decided to work on this first. Also, the way Anthony constructed his site with most pages featuring extensive internal links, the final article (covering the history of Mastertronic) also links to this 8-part feature so frustratingly we have had to leave the history of the company until last.
While we would have loved to have published this first before all the press coverage and everything else, it would have meant removing every link from the article, making countless notes then restoring them manually – a far more time consuming and complicated process. We are working on them and hope to have a big update soon though.
Just the one new review this week, specifically our first review from the original Melbourne House range…
We’ve been making progress with a couple of our checklists with expanded content to both…
- Amstrad – additional entries added to main Mastertronic list, now covering first 125 games from “310 range”.
- Dragon 32 – small update to the list this week with more cover art added and a link to a new review.
Other updates and new content added to the site:
- Press Coverage – new links added to stories found about Mastertronic online
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