Press Coverage – CPC 464 User October 1984 – Comet Interview

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CPC 464 User (now there was a catchy title) interviewed Nick Lightowler, Marketing Director of Comet in October 1984. The last question and answer are so revealing as to how the trade saw personal computers that they are worth inclusion here, even though this is not really anything to do with Mastertronic.

Q. Finally, how do you see the future of the home computer?

A. As I say, I’m an enthusiast – but I’m a businessman too. I think the demand is going to be tremendous especially as children educated in computer studies bring a new awareness into the home market. Regarding the development of the computer itself, I see it controlling domestic functions such as heating, lighting and security systems – possibly linked to TV monitors. I also see personal voice patterns being used to operate many of the functions – even more sophisticated software and peripherals. This is a computerised world, and we have to come to terms with it – manufacturer, retailer domestic user alike. The benefits to be gained are tremendous and correctly applied they can effect a vast improvement in the quality all our lives.

Yes there it is. The prime reason to buy a personal computer in the future was to control the central heating. No mention of business use, education, email, networking computers, hobbies, personal finance never mind the real reason why people bought personal computers in 1984 – to play games. And children? Oh they would be “educated in computer studies”. As if the kids who clamoured to buy computer games needed anyone to teach them before they could pick up a joystick.

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